

中国医疗新闻网 2023-04-10




中医历史悠久,是我们祖先数千年来与疾病斗争的智 慧结晶, 拥有完整的理论体系和丰富的实践经验。千百年 来,无数心仪中医者秉承阴阳五行理论, 凭借四诊八纲,


喻三保,主任医师,在职影像学博士,满族医学学 者。 1952 年出生于满医世家, 1972 年进入中科院武汉水生 物研究所工作,在潘金培、伍献文(国家第一批院士) 和 杨兴琪等导师指导下,长期参与我国最早的四大家鱼的人 工繁殖技术、哺乳动物的人工授精技术、纳米中药研究以 及艾滋病病毒研究等重大科研项目的研究工作。恢复高考 之后, 1979 年考入湖北中医药大学中医系,毕业后在湖北

医科大学附属医院综合病房从事医学临床、教学及科研工 作,并在职攻读了华中农业大学生命科学硕士学位。多年 来在继承满医家族对菩提蜜与中药酶化培养技术的基础 上,长期从事中西医与生命科学结合的研究,并在肿瘤癌 变与本质、心脑血管疾病以及眼底诊断、 CTMRI 医学影像 诊断等方面积累了丰富的临床经验,30 多年来治愈了近力 例肿溜和心世管疾病的思省。

1952 3 23 日:出生于湖北省武汉市武昌区,1957-

1966 年:五岁起在自家主办的私垫,随祖父学习祖传满医 与满针技术和中医系统基础知识,跟随曾祖母看病制药、 培养、筛选菩提蜜菌种,也就是现代生命科学前沿研究课

题、吡咯喹啉配的研究。 1968-1970 年:参加武汉市科委” 青光眼”攻关项目,跟随陈之杨教授学习掌握眼底影像技 术, 先后研究四十年, 灵活运用于肿瘤临床鉴别, 1970- 1973 年:进入中科院武汉分院,学习生命科学学习遗传与育种。

1979-1984 年:进湖北中医大学学习中医内科杂病

1984-1986 年:在武汉省二院高家湾医院综合病房, 工 作并参加了程化奇教授、张学莲教授、殷新尤教授”乙 肝””内分泌“项目攻关科研工作,随后在珠海香洲湾仔人 民医院, 与贺彭年教授合作运动损伤科研项目。

2006-2009 年:进华中农业大学读生命科学研究生, 2010 年:组建武汉野马泉肿瘤心脑血管研究所并展开国际 肿瘤学术交流与教学;首都医科大学章红英教授合作化瘀

消肿法对糖尿病缺血性脑卒中的干预作用研究; 中科院病 毒所陈绪林研究员合作”感冒病毒;北京安贞医院张兆琪合作“肺癌临床影像鉴别”。

2012 年在北京首都医科大学安贞医院张兆琪教授国家 首席影像科学家读的肿瘤影像在职博士。

2013 7 月: 组建东湖三保肿瘤研究所 。

2015 年: 就读美国加州桑尼维尔市的河洛医科大学。

2018 年:取得医学博士学位和客座教授,多次代表国 家参加国际肿瘤会议,并发表学术论文,进行学术交流、 参观访阅、探讨我国中医传承 。


摘要:恶性肿瘤已成为当前威胁人类生命健康最严重 的常见病之一,手术、放疗、化疗是治疗恶性肿瘤的重要 方法,广泛用于多种肿瘤的综合治疗。由于治疗模式的局 限,在杀伤肿瘤细胞的同时,不可避免的引起相关细胞, 组织,器官的损伤,导致各种毒副反应,从而影响肿瘤患 者的生存质量,缩短治疗后的生命周期。积极研究防治恶

性肿瘤及术后复发,转移的新方法是改善治疗远期疗效及 提高患者生存期的关键。为此临床迫切需要一种药源广 泛、价格低廉、无毒高效、使用方便的抗肿瘤、抗转移的 药物,来防治恶性肿瘤以及弥补传统治疗带来的毒性和损 伤,走出一条临床实用,具有中国特色的治疗恶性肿瘤之 路。


我国真菌药用的历史已有 4000 多年,药用真菌在中国 传统医药中起着重要的作用,是中草药的重要组成部分。 早在东汉未年的《神农本草经》中就记载了 l0 余种药用真 菌。在李时珍的《本草纲目》中更是收录了 40 多种药用真 菌。其中“形似肉,久服轻身不老”就是指肉灵芝的特殊 药用效果。由此可见,在我国很早就重视真菌药物的临床


肉灵芝酶解中药治疗恶性肿瘤,是在继承传统真菌药 用的基础上,结合现代科学技术,使药物的提取、筛选、 结构改造与合成更加合理。通过纳米技术加工,菌种诱导 酶解发酵,重组多肽微生物培养技术[2] ,研制出的无毒高效 抗肿瘤抗转移的酶解中药,使中早期的恶性肿瘤治疗可达 到基本治愈的疗效,对于癌细胞已经转移的中晚期患者, 能够 达到改善生存质量,延长生命周期的治疗效果,具 有深入研究的价值。

1 材料、方法与病案

1.1 药物准备

1.1.1 用培养 3 年以上的肉灵芝与黄豆、豌豆、荞麦、

油面、小米、黄米、玉米等面粉和玉米芯以 1/3 的比例与 系统抗肿瘤中药(血竭 12g、三七6g、人参6g、白术 15g 、山药 18g 、山楂 15g、橘梗 12g、陈皮6g、大枣 12g、元胡 15g、生地 15g、黄芩 12g、黄芪 15g、牛膝 15g、莱菔子 12g、去淤草 15g、野茯苓 15g、远致 12g、龙 胆草 15g、野生蜜 50g、甘草 15g ),按照 12%水药配比, 通过菌种诱导酶解发酵,培养成重组多肽肿瘤系统肉灵芝 酶解中药备用。

1.1.2 以肺癌主方[3]为例: 人参 12g、黄芪 30g、麦门冬 1 2 g、五味子 12g、桂枝 15g、制附子 (先煎) 15、菟丝子 15g、女贞子 15g、仙灵脾 15g、沙参 15g、鸦胆子 12g、猪 苓 15g、丹参 18g、七叶一枝花 12g、白花蛇舌草 18g、三 七 1 2g、川芎 18g,打成粗粉状煮成水剂中药。重组多肽 肿瘤系统肉灵芝酶解中药与肺癌主方水剂中药以 18%的水药 比例调和。

1.1.3 患者个异化中药, 辨证论治的个异化主方中药, 例如归脾汤: 黄芪 20g 、白术 15g 、橘梗 15g、龙眼肉 10g、酸枣仁 12g、人参 12g、木香 15g、当归 18g、远志 12g、甘草 12g,打成粗粉状滏煮成水剂中药。患者个异化 水剂中药与重组多肽肿瘤系统肉灵芝酶解中药和肺癌主方 混合水剂中药以 21-28%的水药比例调和。


药和患者个异化水剂中药,三者合成酶解发酵制作成针对 个异性肺癌患者的水剂酶解中药。

纳米粉药:配合水剂酶解中药抗肿瘤抗转移的纳米粉 药,每盒 100g

1.2 治疗方法

首先根据对每位患者的影像报告,病理报告, 眼底检 查结果和舌、苔、脉症综合诊断[4,5] ,将肉灵芝酶解中药、 重组多肽肿瘤系统中药以及患者个异化的主方中药按比例 混合后, 分别制作成水剂药和纳米粉剂药两种内服药物。

内服药的服用:一个疗程为 50 天,配有水剂药 30

(每瓶 250 毫升),纳米粉剂药一盒(每盒 100g),用药勺 取纳米粉药 0.6-0.7g 约是患者左手中指壳大小。用量杯取 水剂药 50 毫升, 饭前服用,粉剂药由水剂药送服,日服三 次。(每位患者配发 50 毫升烧杯和药勺)

根据综合诊断,制作对症的外用药作为辅助药,患者 将外用药涂敷在肢体溃疡或疼痛处, 日敷 3 次。对已有肿 瘤转移的患者可增加抗肿瘤药膏的贴敷治疗,根据肿瘤发 生的部位, 药膏可贴敷在肺俞、胃俞、肝区或乳腺等部 位。

满针放血与针灸止痛,肿瘤患者在接受 3-5 个疗程之 后,将进行一次满针放血治疗,主要放出体内的“垃圾血” (体内的瘀、毒、斑块及破损的癌细胞)。对晚期癌症患者 的病痛症状,还可辅以针灸止痛的治疗方法。

对患者要求 : 患者每天应坚持游泳与做抗癌气功锻炼

1-2 次, 每次不得少于 30 分钟。已有转移的患者增加每天 中药泡脚 2 次,增加体温,每次不得少于 40 分钟。经常听 音乐,保持愉快的心情。饮食以清淡为主,营养搭配,少 量多餐。每周必须与医生交流 1 次,汇报服药反应与身体 状态情况。

1.3 病案介绍

1.3.1 乳腺癌


刘某,女,56 岁, 身高 162cm,体重 66kg,地址广西 南宁竹溪大道 122 号,电话 18925288988。舌质淡,苔薄 白,脉弦细,疲乏无力。眼底检查发现动静脉充盈正常, 视盘边界不清, 黄斑有水肿。患者体重超重, 腰臀比较 高,冠心病、高脂血症治疗中,有一定程度青光眼。 1995 年乳腺癌术, 1998 年卵巢癌手术, 2001 年肾上腺肿瘤术, 现有淋巴水肿。患者快走路和登高、爬坡感觉心慌、气 短,时有胸闷现象,睡眠质量不好,转身会出现眩晕、站 立不稳现象。病理活体组织检验报告:冰冻后石腊切片, 右乳腺侵润性导管癌。初诊时间 2012 12 5 日,治疗

15 个疗程, 逐步恢复健康,最后回访时间 2014 6 5 日,健康工作。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方逍遥散: 当归 15g、茯苓 12g、芍药 15g、白芍 15g、白术 15g、柴胡 18g,直接杀灭肿瘤细胞与控制肿瘤发展,用明矾水与见肿 消中药解决术后引起左手“象皮肿”。

此例提示: 用明矾水加见肿消中药消除左手“象皮 肿”,爬坡运动不减,抗癌气功坚持配合,现在身体基本恢 复正常。明矾水、见肿消中药配合治疗乳腺癌手术后引起 的象皮肿方法,得于湖北肿瘤医院研究所所长张明和教授 真传,临床治愈很多患者,特此感谢。


刘某女, 30 岁,身高 163cm,体重 60kg,地址北京市 高 碑 店 路 181 号 安 德 鲁 斯 庄 园 东 区 148 号 , 电 话 13811177296。患者父亲患甲状腺瘤,手术切除。曾祖父因 间皮细胞癌过世;母亲高血压,高血脂,有骨质疏松症。 患者疲乏无力,舌尖红,苔薄有裂纹,脉细。眼底检查发 现动静脉充盈时间正常,黄斑区见花瓣样高荧光,虹膜见 小块坑洞。患者无意发现左侧乳腺外上肿物, 2.5*2.5cm 肿 物活动度尚可,与皮肤无黏连,与胸肌无黏连,与胸壁不 固定,不伴局部红肿热痛,不伴有乳头湿疹、溢液,就诊 于我院,穿刺病理发现浸润性导管癌 3 级,免疫组化指标

ER(-)PR(-)HER-2(-)ki-67(50-75%),左腋淋巴结针 吸细胞涂片可见癌细胞。血液中未见癌细胞,肿瘤细胞未 转移。初诊时间 2012 5 15 日,治疗 12 个疗程,回访 时间 2014 5 30 日,现在身体健康工作,询问医生能 否生孕产子。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方知柏地黄丸:知 母 15g、熟地黄 12g、山萸肉 18g、泽泻 15g、牡丹皮 15g、 茯苓 123g 加减 ,满医抗肿瘤气功配合。

此例提示:乳腺癌疾病肿瘤万万不可大意,临床治疗 转移与未转移治疗是一个重要的分水岭。乳腺癌的发生与 基因与基因组研究关系重大, 由肿瘤基因引发乳腺癌的病 人,临床占百分之 30 以上还要多,生物酶解中药治疗乳腺 癌效果明显。

1.3.2 胰腺癌


姚某,男,56 岁, 身高 172cm,体重 64kg,地址天津 海滨创意中心 A 12A-223 号,电话 13928328055。患者舌 质微红、边有齿印、苔薄白、脉弦数。眼底检查:动静脉 充盈时间短暂,视盘荧光不足,虹膜见大小不等斑块与坑 洞。患者胰腺术后进行影像学检查,胰体尾及脾脏缺失, 术区可见异常信号肿物影,形态不规则, T1W1 呈等信号, 增强后强化不均, 边界不清,范围约 5.4*4.4cm,与邻近胃

壁分界不清。肝内可见多发长 T1 T2 信号影, 增强检查 未见明显强化,最大者直径约 1.1cm;肝左叶可见异常强化 小结节影,直径约为 0.9cm。患者胰腺术后发生改变,肿瘤 复发,肝左叶有小血管瘤,肝和双肾多发囊肿,检验发现 甲胎蛋白(AFP)302.9 微克/升,病人情况十分危险。 于 2013 12 26 日由天津肿瘤医院转来研究所治疗,患 者坚持服用(生物中药) 病情稳定,精神食欲均可,2014 2 3 日赴天津参加患者病危抢救工作 3 天,暂时缓 解,于 2014 4 13 日术后脑病复发去世。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方健脾益气汤: 白 术 15g、木香 15g、黄连 10g、甘草 10g、白茯苓 12g、人参 8g、神曲 12g、陈皮 10g、砂仁 8g、麦芽 12g、山楂 15g、 山药 15g、肉豆蔻 12g

此例提示:胰腺癌病人变化速度很快, 留给医生治疗 时间很短暂,应该引以高度重视。影像导师张兆琪慎重提 示过,不要接收这位病人,风险太大,但人的生命高于一 切,此病人经过生物酶解中药治疗成活 108 天。


梁某,女,56 岁, 身高 160cm,体重 50kg,地址江门 市白沙复兴里 20 号,电话 15917814011。患者舌质淡,苔 白微腻,脉沉细。眼底检查:动静脉充盈时间较短,视盘 边界不清。此属脾虚湿困,热毒中阻,治宜益气健脾、清

热解毒。患者左腹胀痛,腰痛,疼痛 3 级,原来患有糖尿 病,长期服用降糖药物。进行上腹部增强 CT 检查:胰尾肿 块, 并左肾上极侵犯, 考虑为胰腺恶性肿瘤。初诊时间 2013 6 5 日, 坚持治疗 6 个疗程,于 2014.4 12 日因剧烈疼痛来研究所进行药物与针灸止痛,效果满意。 回访时间 2014 6 2 日,目前病情稳定,逐步恢复健 康。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方健脾益气汤: 白 术 15g、木香 15g、黄连 10g、甘草 10g、白茯苓 12g、人参 8g、神曲 12g、陈皮 10g、砂仁 8g、麦芽 12g、山楂 15g、 山药 15g、肉豆蔻 12g

此例提示:胰腺癌晚期疼痛是很棘手的问题,但针灸 止痛可以弥补药物止痛效果不足,使用方便,费用低廉, 患者自己都可以学会。回访联系, 目前此患者身体基本恢 复健康

1.3.3 肝癌


李某,男,56 岁, 身高 174cm,体重 78kg,地址山西省 文城县红旗路电力园 1 号楼, 电话 15578138257。患者进行 肝癌综合治疗术后 CT 影像所见: 肝左叶增大,肝裂宽, 表 面不光滑,肝内见金标影及点状囊性低密度影,肝左内叶 见高密度碘油聚集影, 增强扫描肝内未见确切异常强化

灶, 门脉期及延迟扫描未见明确异常低密度影形成, 门脉 左支显示欠清晰,胆囊不大,未见异常。CT诊断显示肝 癌综合治疗术后, 2肝硬化, 3肝囊肿,脾大。舌质暗, 苔薄黄,脉弦数。眼底检查:动静脉充盈缓慢,黄斑欠清 晰,虹膜看见坑洞与裂缝。初诊时间 2012 8 5 日,坚 持治疗 9 个疗程, 目前身体恢复健康。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方键脾益气汤: 白 术 15g、木香 15g、黄连 10g、甘草 10g、白茯苓 12g、人参 8g、神曲 12g、陈皮 10g、砂仁 8g、麦芽 12g、山楂 15g、 山药 15g、肉豆蔻 12g

此例提示: 肉灵芝酶解中药治疗恶性肝癌效果明显, 到目前为止, 本所收治的几十例肝癌患者, 没有出现死 亡。


刘某,男,49 岁,地址广西南宁桂雅路 38 号。患者 CT 影像检查表现肝体积较大,形态不佳,肝表面呈小结样 不光整。入院进行 CT 检查, 发现平扫肝右前叶近胆囊窝处 有一大小约为 15.75*11.96*15.25mm 的小结节样略低密度 灶,境界模糊不清。增强后动脉因患者憋气不良,病变区 域出现伪影, 使病灶显示不清, 但门脉期可见病灶有强 化,至静脉及延迟期,病灶内强化影迅速消退呈低密度, 境界扫平显示清楚。其余肝实质尚可。脾脏体积增大,形

态尚可。胆囊、胰腺及双肾未见异常。右肝上前间隙有少 许积液。诊断:为原发性肝癌,慢性乙型病毒性肝炎,肝 炎后肝硬化。舌质红,苔薄光 ,脉弦细。眼底检查:视盘 荧光尚好,血流充盈不足,虹膜见斑块与坑洞。初诊时间 2013 3 17 日,坚持治疗 9 个疗程, 逐步恢复健康, 最 后回访时间 2014 6 3 日,恢复健康, 开始工作。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方益气活血汤:人 参 15g、白术 15g、茯苓 12g、当归 15g、山楂 18g、赤芍 15g、陈皮 6g 等, 服药与坚持做抗癌气功。

此例提示: 肉灵芝酶解中药治疗肝癌病人需要多方面 配合,一点不能大意,健脾疏肝,理气活血,配合抗肿瘤 转移膏药与抗癌气功,对肝癌患者抗恶性肿瘤转移有很大 帮助。

1.3.4 胃癌

王某,女, 53 岁,身高 162cm,体重 50kg,现住西安 市北关三合新村 24 号,电话 18066571193。患者母亲患有 高血压。患者有胃痛, 胃胀, 胃溃疡等症状。背中两侧肌 肉痛, 经中心第四军医大学康都医院CT诊断为(胃溃 疡)胃癌,另外患者食量减少,体重下降约 15-16 (8 公斤), 胃癌淋巴转移。舌质淡红,苔薄黄,脉弦。眼底检 查:动静脉充盈不足,视盘荧光尚可,边界不太清晰,而 虹膜看见清晰斑块与坑洞。初诊时间 2013 8 19 日,

坚持治疗 6 个疗程,身体逐步恢复健康。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方归脾汤: 黄芪 20g、白术 15g、橘梗 15g、龙眼肉 10g 、酸枣仁 12g、人 参 12g、木香 15g、当归 18g、远志 12g、甘草 12g

此例提示:归脾汤治疗脾胃肿瘤无论中医西医,共同 认为是一剂良方,加上使用满族抗肿瘤,抗转移膏药贴患 者胃俞穴位,临床效果明显。

1.3.5 肺癌


杨某,男,身高 170cm,体重 92.5kg,汉族,住址深 圳福田区福旅路元成苑五号, 电话 15817386017。患者 PET/CT 检查后发现左后纵隔下叶支气管后缘处可见一结节 状放射性异常浓聚影,大小约为 1.1*0.9*1.0cm ,SUVmax 9.9,CT 于相应部位可见局部软组织影增厚。胸腔脏器 呈镜像反位改变。CT 见左侧胸膜增厚,增厚的胸膜上可见 斑片状高度钙化影, 在左侧胸腔内可见新月形液性密度 影, 左肺上叶及左肺下叶可见少量纤维索条状密度增高 影,边缘清晰。 CT 检查在左腋肺门区可见稍肿大淋巴结, 最大者 1.0*0.6*0.8cm。舌红苔白, 脉弦数。眼底检查:动 静脉充盈时间不足,荧光明显异常。虹膜可见坑洞裂缝。 初诊时间 2013 5 18 日,坚持治疗 7 个疗程,到患者 家里回访时间 2014 5 12 日, 患者行动自如, 体能恢

复健康, 能做一些轻微工作。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化肺癌主方汤: 人参 12g、黄芪 30g、麦门冬 1 2g、五味子 12g、桂枝 15g、制 附子 (先煎) 15g、菟丝子 15g、女贞子 15g、仙灵脾 15g、 沙参 15g、鸦胆子 12g、猪苓 15g、丹参 18g、七叶一枝花 12g、白花蛇舌草 18g、三七 1 2g、川芎 18g

此例提示:该例患者是一位右心位患者,左肺只剩下 三分之一,右肺剩下三分之二,影像导师张兆琪提示此病 人不可以收治,一年以后患者健在他很感惊讶。因此一个 抗癌战的决策关系到能否攻克癌症, 关系到癌症患者的生 死存亡。


李某,女,51 岁,汉族,地址杭州西湖区黄泥岭 33 号,电话 13600515121。患者 CT 检查发现两肺见多发大小 不一的结节影、部分边界显示不清。两肺门无增大,增强 扫描血管及脂肪间隙清晰,纵隔见多发小淋巴结。两侧胸 腔未见明显积液。两腋下未见明显肿大淋巴结。右侧锁骨 区显示较饱满,部分胸椎骨质密度增高,边缘不清。脉细 舌淡红苔白干。眼底检查:动静脉充盈不足,荧光未见异 常,虹膜见白色阴影。初诊时间 2011 11 29 日,治疗 时间 13 个疗程,回访身体基本恢复健康。

治疗: 肉灵芝酶解中药加个异化主方健脾益气汤: 白

15g、木香 15g、黄连 10g、甘草 10g、白茯苓 12g、人参 8g、神曲 12g、陈皮 10g、砂仁 8g、麦芽 12g、山楂 15g、 山药 15g、肉豆蔻 12g

此例提示:肺癌肿瘤患者,只要坚持用肉灵芝酶解中 药与抗癌气功配合,胸部症状明显减轻,恶性肿瘤的临床 治疗应该是多学科, 多层次, 多方法,才能达到以正合, 以奇胜的治疗原则。

2 治疗结果

对没有转移的恶性肿瘤患者和已转移的肿瘤患者均有 明显治疗效果,对恶性肿瘤有抑制和直接杀灭的作用。

2.1 生存期: 以初诊日期算起,至末次诊疗日期与回访时间 为生存期。

2.2 副作用: 全部病例服药后均未出现副作用和毒性反应。 2.3 生存与死亡: 从 2010 3 月建所接诊第一例肿瘤患者 起, 383 位肿瘤患者除一位胰腺癌患者姚某因术后肿瘤复发 去世,其他患者至今全部健在。


中医认为:虚、瘀、邪三者是癌症的主要病因病机, 通过三纲辨证可以抓住恶性肿瘤的辨证要领,继而指导临 床辨证论治,辨病论治。

3.1 气血亏虚是癌症发生的病理基础

气血亏虚也称正气亏损,主要是指机体脏腑功能的减 退,气血亏虚是恶性肿瘤产生的病理基础[6]。恶性肿瘤是全 身性疾病的局部表现,“邪之所凑,其气必虚”,恶性肿瘤 正是在机体气血虚弱的前提下发生发展的,“十瘤九虚” “壮人无疾,虚则有之”。《外症医编》所述:“正气虚则成 积”,《医宗必读》也指出:“积之成者,正气不足,而后邪 气踞之”。这都说明,恶性肿瘤是在正气亏损的基础上产生 的,也是目前说的肿瘤是在免疫功能低下基础产生的, 由 此证明:先有免疫功能低下而后导致肿瘤疾病的发生发展


3.2 气血瘀滞是癌症发展的重要病机

人体精微,其理难辨。气血以调和为顺,阴阳平衡为 安。朱丹溪“气血冲和, 百病不生。一有拂郁, 诸病生 焉。”气血失去调和,导致气滞血瘀,发生体内集聚,给肿 瘤的发生创造条件。清代王任清:“肚腹结块.必有形之 血”这些说明气血瘀滞是肿瘤产生的重要条件。

现代研究证明,人体免疫系统血液循环障碍与肿瘤发生 有着密切关系。微循环系统是细胞进行物质交换的场所, 它的功能直接影响着细胞的功能。一旦微循环发生障碍, 引起血流滞积,局部组织缺血,缺氧,不能为正常细胞提 供良好的营养灌注,就为细胞突变提供了契机。同时也会


3.3 癌毒藴结是导致恶性肿瘤的根本元凶

导致机体发生恶性肿瘤的邪气是癌毒,也是诱发肿瘤产 生的因素。癌毒是由癌邪这一特异致病因子引发的,有伤 害机体的恶性度极高的致病因素。古人所说的癌毒,即现 代的癌基因或癌细胞,是导致机体产生癌变的原因,也是 导致恶性肿瘤的根本元凶[8]。当人体处于高氧和免疫功能正 常状态时,癌邪则无能为力。华佗《中藏经》中指出:“肿 瘤的发生,非独气血壅滞尔成,更有五脏六腑蓄毒不流”, 这就把癌毒蓄结成恶性肿瘤与一般气血壅滞积聚疾病区别 开来。致病因素决定疾病的性质,病理变化决定疾病的转 归,病因病理病位成其为诊断对象与治疗对象, 它的总纲 应该就是阴阳平衡[9]

正气虚弱是癌症产生的病理基础,气血瘀滞是癌症发 展的重要病机,而癌基因、癌细胞、癌毒则是引发恶性肿 瘤的根本元凶。根据三纲辨证思想指导,临床论治: 肉灵 芝酶解中药具有保护骨髓、扶正固本、活血祛瘀、消积导 滞、清热解毒、改善血液流变和凝固性,降低血液粘度, 清除人体自由基和激活人体免疫细胞再生,具有抗肿瘤侵 袭、抗转移的作用。

对肿瘤患者的化疗和放疗与中医以毒攻毒的疗法,都 可以称之为有毒治疗。接受这种治疗,在临床上毒副作用 极大,患者难以承受,锤城救人,必然丢机丢人, 肉灵芝 酶解中药是一种将有毒疗法改变为无毒疗法的有效治疗方 案[10]

胸腺和骨髓,脾脏和淋巴结,是人体的中枢免疫器官 和周边免疫器官。传统的放疗化疗,抑制了骨髓的生长, 同时破坏了整个造血系统,造成了白细胞的降低,导致整 个免疫系统的破坏与衰竭。肉灵芝酶解中药具有强大的激 活免疫细胞的作用,大大增强了身体免疫系统的功能, 围 城救人,扶正固本,正气内存,邪不可干,才能人地两存 啊,活着就是硬道理。所以研究菌类酶解中药,对抗肿瘤 侵袭,抗转移及治疗恶性肿瘤,有着重要的临床意义。

肉 灵 芝 富 含 吡 咯 喹 啉 醌 ( Pyrrolo quinoline quinone,PQQ), 这种物质具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、清除自由 基的功能[11]。下一步需要深入的探讨肉灵芝酶解中药对抑 制肿瘤细胞的复制、转录及蛋白质的合成,影响肿瘤相关 基因的表达[12]和肿瘤细胞生化代谢及传递途径,

诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡与癌变和癌的本质研究,逐步从细 胞水平向分子水平、基因水平深入展开。这些基础研究不 仅十分重要而且非常艰难,没有任何捷径可走,渴望医学

研究同仁能够携手,用现代科学技术,结合系统工程的方 法,共同研究探讨肉灵芝酶解中药在治疗恶性肿瘤中的药 理作用。


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Clinical Report on Traditional Chinese Medicine Enzymolysis with Ganoderma Lucidum to Cure Malignant Tumors

Yu Sanbao

June 6th, 2014


Malignant tumor.has become one of the common diseases which pose the greatest threat to human’s health. Being important methods to cure malignant tumor, surgery, radiotherapyand..chemotherapy are widely appliedin. comprehensive treatment of a variety of tumors. Due to limitations of such traditional treatment models, while killing tumor.cells, the treatment models willin.evitably lead to damage of related cells, tissue and.or.gans as well as all kinds of toxic side effects, resultingin. patients’ poorer life qualityand..shorter life expectancy after surgery. Conducting research on new methods to preventand..cure malignant tumors as well as their postoperative recurrenceand..metastasis is the key to improving long-term curative effectand..extending life span of patients. As a result, it isin. urgent need toin.vent a kind of anti-tumor.and. anti-metastasis medicine with rich medicinal herbs resource, affordable price, zero toxicity, high efficiencyand..convenience of use. Such medicine is aimed to preventand..cure malignant tumors as well as to relieve toxicityand..damage brought about by.traditional treatment, thus to embark on a road for.malignant tumor.treatment with Chinese characteristics.

Key Words: Ganoderma Lucidum, Malignant Tumor, Case Report

China has a history of over 4,000 years of fungi medical use. Being an important part of Chinese herbal medicine, medicinal fungi are playing an important rolein. traditional Chinese medicine. More than ten medicinal fungi are recordedin. Sheng Nong’s Herbal Classic written to the last years of Eastern Han Dynasty. Over forty medicinal fungi are also writtenin. Compendium of Materia Medica by.Li Shizhen, among which “The shape is like.meat,and..taking it for.long will make you younger and.more relaxed” refers to the special medicinal effect of Ganoderma Lucidum. It can be concluded that China started to pay attention to the clinical application of medicinal fungi a long time ago[1].

Based on traditional medicinal use.of fungi, combined with modern technology, traditional Chinese medicine enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum to cure malignant tumor.is aimed at making it more reasonable to extract, screen, structurally transformand..synthesize medicine. With such treatment method, malignant tumor.can be identified earlyand..cured[2]. For.those mediumand..advanced cancer patients with cancer cells metastasis, such method can help improve their life qualityand..extend their life expectancy. As a result, the method is worth doing research into.

1. Material, Methodand..Medical Records 

1.1 Medication Preparation 

1.1.1 Ganoderma Lucidum with over three-year development, soybean, pea, buckwheat, grease surface, millet, coarse rice, cornand..systematic anti-tumor.TCM,in. the ratio of 1 to 3.

(systematic anti-tumor.TCM: dragon’s blood 12grams, pseudo-ginseng 6grams, ginseng 6grams, atractylodes ovate 15grams, Chinese yam 18grams, hawthorn 15grams, radix platycodi 12grams, citrus 6grams, jujube 12grams, rhizoma corydalis 15grams, dried radix rehmanniae 15grams, radix scutellariae 12grams, radix achyranthis bidentatae 15grams, semen raphani 12grams, wild poria cocos 15grams, felwort 15grams, wild honey 50grams, radix glycyrrhizae 15grams). The proportion of waterin. the medication is 12%. The fungi are used toin.duce enzymolysis,and..make it TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum for.standby.application.

1.1.2 Taking the main.prescription of lung cancer[3] as an example:

Ginseng 12 grams, dwarf lilyturf root 12grams, fructus schizandrae 12grams, cassia twig 15grams, processed radix aconiti lateralis (boiled first) 15grams, semen cuscutae 15grams, ligustrum lucidum ait 15grams, epimedium gradiflorum morr 15grams, the root of straight ladybell 15grams, brucea javanica 12grams, polyporus umbellatus 15grams, salviae miltiorrhizae 18grams, paris polyphylla 12grams, oldenlandia diffusa 18grams, pseudo ginseng 12grams. The components need to be hitin.to powder, which will be boiledin.to TCM agent. The proportion of waterin. the combined medication of 1.1.1and..1.1.2 is 18%.

1.1.3 Tailor-made main.prescription of TCM, taking guipi decoction as an example:

atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15grams, radix platycodi 15grams, arillus longan 10grams, semen ziziphi spinosae 12grams, ginseng 12grams, costus root 15grams, angelica sinensis 18 grams, polygala root 12grams, radix glycyrrhizae 12grams. Hit themin.to powderand..boil the powderin.to TCM agent. The proportion of waterin. the combined medication of 1.1.1, 1.1.2and..1.1.3 is 21%-28%.

The three main.prescriptions mentioned above should be blendedin.to enzymolysis, which later will be madein.to TCM enzymolysis agent targeted at lung cancer patients.

Nano powder medicine: to combine it with anti-tumor.and.anti-metastasis TCM enzymolysis agent, 100 g/box

1.2 Treatment Method 

The three main.prescriptions mentioned above should be proportionally mixed based on each patient’s video report, pathological report, fundus examination resultsand..comprehensive diagnosis of pulse, tongueand.. coating on the tongue[4-5]. It is aimed to make two kinds ofin.ternal medicine: agent medicineand..nano powder medicine.

How to takein.ternal medicine: the treatment course is 50 days, complemented by.30 bottles of agent medicine (250ml/bottle)and..1 box of nano powder medicine (100g/box). Get 0.6-0.7 grams of nano powder medicine with spoon (the size as big as the middle fingernail of the left hand). Get 50ml of agent medicine with measuring glassand..take the medicine 3 times a day before meal by.washing down the nano powder medicine with agent medicine. (to distribute a 50ml beakerand..a spoon to each patient)

Make medicine for.external use.as adjuvant drugsin. accordance with comprehensive diagnosis. Patients may apply the medicine three times a day on anabrosisor..injury of limbs. For.those patients with tumor. metastasis, anti-tumor.plaster may be applied at the same time. The plaster may be used on different body parts such as hepatic regionand.. breast.

Full needle bleedingand. acupuncture analgesia: After three to five treatment courses, another full needle bleeding treatment will be carried out. Such treatment is aimed to let out the “garbage blood”in. your body (including congestion, toxin, plaqueand..damaged cancer cells). To relieve the pain.of terminal cancer patients, such treatment method as acupuncture analgesia can be used as well.

Requirements of patients: Do qigong exercise 2 times a dayand..exercise per time should be no less than 30 minutes. Those patients already suffering from acupuncture analgesia are required to do TCM foot bath 2 times a day and.each bath should be no less than 40 minutes. Listen to the music quite oftenand..keep a good mood. Take a bland, nutritious dietand..have more frequent, smaller meals. Talk to the doctor.at least one time a week about your medication reactionand..physical condition.

1.3 Introduction to Cases 

1.3.1 Breast Cancer

Case One:

Ms Liu, female, 56 years old, height 162 cm, weight 66kg, address: zhuxidadao No.122 Naning city, Guangxi province, cell phone: 18925288988

Symptom: pale tongue, thin.white fur of tongue, stringy pulse, exhaustion. Fundus examination showed normal arteryand..vein.filling, vague optic disc boundaryand..macular edema. The patient is overweightand..highin. hip, under the treatment of coronary heart diseaseand..hyper lipemiaand. suffering from.a certain.degree of glaucoma. She received operation of breast cancer, ovarian cancerand..adrenal tumor.in.the year 1995, 1998 and.2001 respectively, currently with lymphedema. She feels palpitated and.short of breath if she walks fastor..does climbing. She also has a sense of suppressionin. chest from.time to timeand..she cannot sleep well at night. She may also feel dizzyor..sway waver when turning around.

According to biopsies histopathological examination, she was diagnosed within.filtrative ductal carcinomain. the right breast.

Initial diagnosis: 12/5/2012. She then received fifteen-course treatmentand.. recovered gradually. The last revisit date: 6/5/2014. By that time she has been healthyand..working.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum, together with xiaoyao powder: angelica sinensis 15g, poria cocos 12g, paeony 15g, white paeony root 15g, atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, bupleurum 18g. The prescription is aimed to kill tumor.cellsand..control tumor.development. Alum water is used to relieve elephantiasis of left hands after surgery.

Lessons learned: The patient’s breast cancer has been cured by.combined use.of alum water, climbing activity as usualand..anti-cancer qigong. The use. of alum water to relieve elephantiasis brought about by.breast cancer surgery is drawn from.Professor.Zhang Minghe, head of Tumor.Research Institutein. Hubei Province. It has been applied quite often to cure many patientsand..here I would like.to extend my sincere gratitude to him.

Case two:

Ms Liu, female, 30 years old, height 163cm, weight 60kg, address: Gaobeidianlu No.181, Beijing city, cell phone: 13811177296. The patient’s father is diagnosed with thyroid adenoma, which has been cut through surgery; her great grandfather died of mesothelium cell carcinoma; her mother suffers from.hypertension, hyper lipidemiaand.. osteoporosis.

Symptom: exhaustion, red apex of tongue, thinand..cracked fur of tongue, stringy pulse. The fundus examination showed normal time of arteryand..vein. filling, petal-shape hyperfluorescencein. macular regionand..pot holes in.iris. The patient unintentionally found lump on the surface of her left breast, with the size of 2.5*2.5 cm, without any adhesion to skin. or.pectoral muscle. She went to see a doctor.at our hospitaland..was diagnosed with level-3in.filtrative ductal carcinoma. Immunohistochemicalin.dicators: ER (-), PR (-),HER-2(-), ki-67 (50-75%). Cancer cells were foundin. needle aspiration smear of lymph nodein. the left armpit. Cancer cells weren’t foundin. bloodand..tumor.cells metastasis weren’t found, either.

Initial diagnosis: 5/15/2012. She then underwent 12-course treatmentand..the last revisit date is 5/30/2014. Now that she isin. good health, she has asked the doctor.if she can try for.a baby.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand.. tailor-made zhibaidihuang pills: anemarrhenae 15g, prepared rehmannia root 12g, rhizoma alismatis 15g, paeonia suffruticosa 15g, poria cocos 123g (+/-), together with anti-tumor.qigong.

Lessons learned: Enough importance should be attached to breast cancer tumor. Different treatments should be carried out on tumor.metastasisand.. non-tumor.metastasis separately. Breast cancer is closely related to studies on geneand..genome. Patients whose breast cancer was triggered by.tumor.gene account for.over 30% of the total. It is a good way to cure breast cancer with TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum.

1.3.2 Pancreatic Cancer

Case One:

Mr Yao, male, 56 year old, height 172cm, weight 64kg, address: Seaside Creativity Center, Tianjin.city, cell phone: 13928328055.

Symptom: slight red tongue body with imprints of teeth on the margins, thinand.. while tongue fur, rapid pulse. The fundus examination showed short time of arteryand..vein.filling,in.sufficient fluorescencein. optic disk, plaquesand..pot holes of various sizesin. iris. According to imageological examination after pancreatic surgery, pancreatic bodyand.. tail as well as spleen weren’t found. In the field of operation, the mass shadow with unusual signaland..irregular shape was found. T1W1 showed equisignaland..it is not even after beingin.tensified, with vague boundaryand..in.the size of 5.4*4.4 cm. After receiving pancreatic operation, the patient suffered from.tumor.recurrence, small hepatic hemangioma (SHHE)in. the left lobe of liver as well as multiple cystsin. liverand..both kidneys. The test showed that alpha fetal protein.(AFP) is 302.9 mcg/l. It was concluded that the patient wasin. a very dangerous condition. He turned to our researchin.stitute for.help from. Tianjin.Tumor.Hospital on 12/26/2013and..was keptin. a stable.condition by.taking biological TCM. He received the rescue for.critically ill patients which lasts three daysand..had a remission. Yet he died of encephalopathy recurrence on 4/13/2014 after receiving surgery.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand.. tailor-madein.vigorating spleen to nourish qi soup: atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, costusroot 15g, coptidis rhizoma 10g, radix glycyrrhizae 10g, white poria 12g, ginseng 8g, aflatoxin.12g, citrus 10g, amomum 8g, wheat germ 12g, hawthorn 15g, Chinese yam 15g, nutmeg 12g.

Lessons learned: Pancreatic cancer deteriorates at a very fast speed, leaving short time to doctors for.treatment. Therefore, great importance should be attached to it. Professor.Zhang Zhaoqi once suggested not receiving this patient because.of high risk. Yet human life comes first. The patient prolonged his life span by.108 days through biological TCM enzymolysis.

Case Two:

Ms Liang, female, 56 year old, height 160cm, weight 50kg, address: Jiangmen city, Guangdong province, cell phone: 15917814011.

Symptom: bland.tongue body, little greasy fur of tongue, deepand..thin.pulse. Fundus Examination: short time of arteryand..vein.filling, with vague boundary of optic disk. It means that the patient suffered from.spleen deficiencyand..toxic heat resistance. The patient suffered level-3 distending painin. left abdomenand..in.waist. She used to be diagnosed with diabetes, thus taking hypoglycemic agent for.a long time.

Intensified CT examinationin. the upper abdomen: lumpin. the tail of pancreas,and.. is exerting adverse impact on the left kidney. Possible Diagnosis: malignant tumor.in.pancreas.

Initial diagnosis: 6/5/2013. After receiving six-course treatment, the patient, tortured by.severe pain, went to our researchin.stitute to relieve pain by.medicineand..acupuncture therapy. The revisit date is 6/2/2014. Now she isin. stable.condition, regaining her health gradually.

Treatment: TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand..tailor-madein.vigorating spleen to nourish qi soup: atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, costusroot 15g, coptidis rhizoma 10g, radix glycyrrhizae 10g, white poria 12g, ginseng 8g, aflatoxin.12g, citrus 10g, amomum 8g, wheat germ 12g, hawthorn 15g, Chinese yam 15g, nutmeg 12g.

Lessons learned: painin. advanced pancreatic cancer is a serious problem,and.. pain.control by.acupuncture can be applied to compensate for. deficiencies of pain.control by.medicine. Moreover, it is not expensive and.easy to use, making it not difficult for.patients to learn. The revisit contact showed that the patient has recovered.

1.3.3 Liver Cancer

Case One:

Mr Li, male, 56 years old, height 174cm, weight 78 kg, address: Hongqilu, wenchen county, Shanxi province, cell phone: 15578138257.

CT image after under comprehensive treatment of liver cancer showed enlarged left lobe of liver, wide fissureand..unsmooth surface. CT diagnosisin.dicated that after receiving comprehensive treatment of liver cancer, the patient suffered from.cirrhosis of liverand..hepatic cyst. Symptom: dark tongue body, thinand..yellow fur of tongue, rapid pulse. Fundus examination: slow arteryand..vein.filling, unclear macular, pot holesand..cracksin. iris.

Initial diagnosis: 8/5/2012. The patient went through nine-course treatmentand..has recovered.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand.. tailor-madein.vigorating spleen to nourish qi soup: atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, costusroot 15g, coptidis rhizoma 10g, radix glycyrrhizae 10g, white poria 12g, ginseng 8g, aflatoxin.12g, citrus 10g, amomum 8g, wheat germ 12g, hawthorn 15g, Chinese yam 15g, nutmeg 12g.

Lessons learned: TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum is very effectivein. curing malignant liver cancer. Up till now, dozens of liver cancer patients under treatmentin. our researchin.stitute are all alive.

Case Two:

Mr Liu, male, 49 years old, address: Guiyalu No.38, Nanning city, Guangxi province. The CT image showed that the liver was large, out of shape, with uneven surface. According to the CT examinationin. hospital, there was a size of 15.75*11.96*15.25mm PVLDin. his right anterior.lobe of liver, with vague boundary. The other liver parenchyma is relatively good. Spleen became largerand..wasin. an acceptable.shape. Gall bladder, pancreasand..both kidneys were found normal. The patient was diagnosed with primary hepatic carcinoma, chronic hepatitis Band..liver cirrhosis developed from.hepatitis.

Symptom: red tongue body, thinand..smooth tongue fur, stringy pulse. Fundus examination showed that fluorescencein. optic disk was goodand..the blood flow wasin.sufficient, with plaquesand..pot holesin. iris.

Initial diagnosis: 3/17/2013. The patient recovered gradually under nine-course treatment. The last revisit date is 6/3/2014,and..we learned that the patient has recoveredand..started to work.

Treatment: TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand..tailor-made qiand..blood soup: ginseng 15g, atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, poria cocos 12g, angelica sinensis 15g, hawthorn 18g, red peony root 15g, citrus 6g, together with anti-cancer qigong.

Lessons learned: For.liver cancer patients, multiple methods should be used at the same time very carefully, for.example plaster for anti-tumor. metastasisand..anti-cancer qigong.

1.3.4 Gastric Cancer

Ms Wang, female, 53 years old, height 162cm, weight 50kg, now livesin. Xi’an city, her cell phone number is 18066571193. The patient’s mother is diagnosed with hypertension. The patient has symptoms of stomachache, gasteremphraxisand. gastric ulcer. He was diagnosed with gastric ulcer (gastric cancer) before. Moreover, he has smaller diet, with a decrease of weight by.15-16 gramsand..lymphatic metastasis of cancer cells.

Symptoms: slight red tongue body, thinand..yellow tongue fur, stringy pulse. Fundus examination:in.sufficient arteryand..vein.fillings, relatively good fluorescencein. optic disk, vague boundaryand..clear plaque, pot holesin. iris.

Initial diagnosis: 8/19/2013. The patient gradually recovered under persistent treatment.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand.. tailor-made Jianpi decoction: atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, radix platycodi 15g, arillus longan 10g, semen ziziphi spinosae 12g, ginseng 12g, costusroot 15g, angelica sinensis 18g, polygala amflra 12g, radix glycyrrhizae 12g.

Lessons learned: The decoction mentioned above is regarded as a good prescription by.both TCMand..western medicine. It can be supplemented by plaster for.anti-tumor.and.anti-metastasis.

1.3.5 Lung Cancer

Case One:

Mr Yang, male, height 170cm, weight 92.5 kg, han ethnic group, address: Futian district, Shenzhen city, cell phone: 15817386017. The PET/CT examination showed there was an abnormal thick polyethylene film on the edge of bronchus, with the size of 1.1*0.9*1.0cmand..SUV max being 9.9. CT examination also showed enlarged lymph nodesin. the left armpit lung mum, with the maximum size of 1.0*0.6*0.8cm.

Symptom: red tongue bodyand..white fur of tongue, rapid pulse. Fundus examination illustratedin.sufficient arteryand..vein.filling, abnormal fluorescene, cracksand..pot holesin. iris.

Initial diagnosis: 8/18/2013, under five-course treatment. The revisit date is 5/12/2014,and..it was found that the patient walked easilyand..recovered in. physical ability,and..he was also able to do some little work.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand.. tailor-made treatment soup for.lung cancer: ginseng 12g, dwarf lilyturf root 12g, fructus schizandrae 12g, cassia twig 15g, processed radix aconiti lateralis (boiled first) 15g, semen cuscutae 15g, ligustrum lucidum ait 15g, epimedium gradiflorum morr 15g, adenophora stricta 15g, brucea javanica 12g, polyporus umbellatus 15g, salviae miltiorrhizae 18g, paris polyphylla 12g, spreading hedyotis herb 18g, panax notoginseng 12g.

Lessons learned: The patient is left with only one third of the left lungand.. two thirds of the right lung. Imaging Professor.Zhang Zhaoqi once suggested not receiving the patientand..she is surprised at the fact that the patient is still alive one year later.

Case Two:

Ms Li, female, 51 years old, han ethnic group, address: Huangniling No.33, the west lake district, hangzhou city, cell phone: 13600515121. The CT examination showed nodular shadows of various sizesin. both kidneys, with vague boundary on some parts.

Symptom: weak pulse, bland.tongue body, red fur of tongue. The fundus examination showedin.sufficient arteryand..vein.fillings, normal fluorescenceand..white shadowsin. iris.

Initial diagnosis: 11/29/2011, under 13-course treatmentand..it was foundin. revisit that the patient’s body has returned to normal.

Treatment: the main.prescription of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidumand.. tailor-madein.vigorating spleen to nourish qi soup: atractylodes macrocephala koidz 15g, costusroot 15g, coptidis rhizoma 10g, radix glycyrrhizae 10g, white poria 12g, ginseng 8g, aflatoxin.12g, citrus 10g, amomum 8g, wheat germ 12g, hawthorn 15g, Chinese yam 15g, nutmeg 12g.

Lessons learned: For.patients with lung cancer tumor, good efficacy can be seen by.combining the prescription mentioned above with anti-cancer qigong.

2. Efficacy 

Clear efficacy can be seen on patients diagnosed both withand.. without malignant tumor.metastasis. Through such prescriptions mentioned above, malignant tumor.can be suppressedand..killed.

2.1 Survival Time: The period of time betweenin.itial diagnosis dateand..the last diagnosis dateor..revisit date.

2.2. Side Effect: Zero side effector..toxicity among all the clinical casesin. this research.

2.3 Survivaland..Death: Starting from.March 2013 when the researchin.stitute dealt with the first case of patients with tumors. Among the total number of 383 patients, apart from.Mr. Yao who died of tumor.recurrence after surgery, the other patients are all still alive today.

3. Discussion 

According to TCM, weakness, stasisand..toxin.are the three major.causes to cancer. By straightening out correlation among the three elements, suggestions can be made to clinical treatment of tumor.and.cancer.

3.1 Qiand..Blood Deficiency is the Pathological Basis of Cancer. 

Qiand..blood deficiency refers to the weakening function of bodyand.or.gans[6]. It is also the pathological basis of malignant tumor. Malignant tumor. is the partly representativeness of diseasesin. the whole body. As a result, malignant tumor.is developed on the basis of qi deficiency,in. other words, on the basis of immunocom promise. Therefore it proves that immunocom promise leads to tumor.disease[7].

3.2 Qiand..Blood Stasis is the Important Etiology of Cancer. 

Human body is sophisticatedand..subtle, making it difficult to thoroughly understand.its fundamental principles. To keep good health, we need to harmonize qi, bloodand..balance Yin, Yang. Unbalanced qiand..blood leads to stasis, creating conditions for.tumor.development.

According to modern research, blood circulation disorderin. human’s immune system is closely related to tumor.development. The micro circulation system is the place where.cells carry outin.terchange of material. As a result, function of the former determines that of the latter. Once the micro circulation system plungesin.to disorder, blood flow will bein. stasis, leading to lack of bloodand..oxygenin. someor.gans. In this case, they cannot provide nutrition to normal cells as they did before, creating opportunities for.cell transformation. It will also give rise to weakening function ofor.gansand..the immune system,in.creasing the chance of tumor.development.

3.3. The Accumulation of Cancer Toxin.is the Fundamental Cause.to Malignant Tumor. 

Cancer toxin.is the cause.to malignant tumorsin. body. In turn, cancer toxin. is triggered by.toxic pathogen, a kind of special pathogenic factor. Toxic pathogen by.peoplein. ancient times,or..cancer geneor..cancer cells as we call them today, is the reason for.cancerationin. body as well as the fundamental cause.to malignant tumor[8]. By contrast, when a human body is full of oxygenand..with well-functioned immune system, there is nothing that toxic pathogen can do[9].

To conclude, weak qiand..blood is the pathological basis of cancer, qiand. blood stasis is the important etiology of cancer while cancer gene, cancer cellsand..cancer toxin.are the fundamental causes to malignant tumor. With the three conditions met simultaneously, malignant tumor. will be developed. With this ideain. mind, the function of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum can be listed as follows: cultivate qiand..blood, get rid of stasisand..give birth to the new, do away with toxin,in.vigorate the immune cellsin. human body, anti-tumor.and. anti-transfer.

4. Personal Observations 

Chemotherapy, radiotherapyand..the “use.of poisons as antidotes” therapyin. TCM, all targeted at cancer patients, can be called toxic treatment as a whole. Yet patients have to bear much poisonous side effect when these therapies are applied to clinical treatment. To cure malignant tumor. with fungus TCM is a kind of therapy transforming toxic treatmentin.to non-toxic treatment, thus avoiding poisonous side effect on patients[10].

Thymus, bone marrow, spleenand..lymph node arein.cludedin.to centraland.. peripheral immuneor.gans of human body. The traditional chemotherapyand. radiotherapy suppress bone marrow’s development while damaging hematopoietic system, leading to the decreasing number of leucocyteand..a deteriorating immune system. In contrast, fungus TCM with ganoderma lucidum is strongin.in.vigorating immune cells, which greatly improves the immune function of human body. Therefore, conducting research on fungus TCM enzymolysis is of clinical importance to the fight against cancer, against transferand..the treatment on malignant tumor.

Ganoderma lucidum is richin. pyrroloquinolinequinone (PQQ), whose function is antioxidation, anti-tumor.and.elimination of free radical[11]. Next, we need to have anin.-depth discussion about the adverse influence of ganoderma lucidum on tumor.cells’ copy, transcriptionand.. protein.synthesis, about the channels which may affect the expression of tumor’s related geneand..their biochemical metabolism so as to achieve inducing apoptosis[12]. Such fundamental research are not only important but also difficult, without any ready shortcuts to take. As a result, the author.is looking forward to the concerted efforts made by.peoplein. the medical community, with modernand..scientific method, to conduct research about pharmacological effects of TCM enzymolysis with ganoderma lucidum on curing malignant tumor.


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Yu Sanbao






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